Welcome to the Official site of the Fellowship of the White Star!
If you're a fan of horror RPGs, you've come to the right place. We present a role
playing campaign utilizing a semi-historical setting of 1905-1914 Earth.
Join the Fellowship in their fight against the evils plots of: Rasputin, Imhotep, Dracula, Baba
Yaga, Emilio Aguinaldo, Arthur Evans, Jack the Ripper and the Six-Fingered Hand. Walk the
world where magic and evil exist but are unknown to the common man. Your job is to keep them
safe, but can you succeed...
Develop a first level 3.5 edition character of your own and by playing in official events, your
character will grow and help shape the direction of the campaign! (see the character creation
document in the documents section for details).
FWS Halloween Convention 2018 in Columbus, OH on a weekend in October
At Camp Mary Orton
In 2011 we had five premieres and 36 attendees and it has grown slightly every year since. In 2015-18, we held it at Camp Mary Orton.
Origins 2018 in Columbus, Ohio, June
We premiered our new campaign at Origins 2007, running 15 tables. At Origins 2008 we ran 31 tables with over 150 people, Origins 2009 we offered 9
"1906" premieres and an interactive and ran 37 tables with over 185 people playing, 2010 we ran 38 tables with 225 people playing (plus an interactive
with 32 attendees). In 2011 we ran 44 tables with 269 players (plus the interactive). In 2012 we ran 40 tables with 251 people plus an interactive of 30
people. About the same in 2013-17. We love Origins and it is our official convention
Betacon 2016 in Scranton, PA, September 16-18, 2016
Last ran in 2010
Pulpfest 2016 in Columbus, Ohio, July 21-24, 2016
We'll be there Saturday from 10am to midnight, running three slots of games
Wittcon XIII 2016 Springfield, Ohio, Saturday, March 19, 2016, 10:00 am to Midnight
Running 3 slots in 2016, two premieres and a wildcard.
Ran tables in 2010-2015, what a great little con!
FOPcon 2014 in Huber Heights (near Dayton), Ohio, on Saturday, April 26, 2014
2009-13 DONE. Ran 3 slots each year. Really fun little con!
Gen Con 2015 in Indianapolis, Indiana, July 30 - August 2, 2015
We do not plan an official presence at the con this year.
In 2008 we ran 9 tables, 26 in 2009, 27 in 2010, 34 in 2011, 25 in 2012, 25 in 2013, 25 in 2014
Macquarie Con 2015 at Macquarie Univerisity in Sydney, Australia on Dec 11-13
I am pleased to announce that at the Convention known as "MacquarieCon", in the city of Sydney, in the state of New South Wales, in the country of
Australia, between the dates of Friday, December 11th, through Sunday, December 13th, in This Year of Our Lord, 2015, shall accommodate two
Fellowship of the White Star games, which are being offered for your enjoyment. Whilst these games are suited to the "lower" end of White Star
Operatives (those of which of you who do not have created characters, there shall be a plethora of ready characters available for your perusal), more
Experienced Adventurers are also most welcome to apply. Please RSVP your details below; http://www.macquariecon.net/ index.php?module=register
Regards, Your Humble Servant, Mark Spain
Flatcon 2014 in Bloomington, Illinois on October 25, 2014
2 modules offered in 2014: Flee the Darkness (2-6pm) and I've Got a Ghoul in Kalamazoo (18+ only, 7-11pm).
Thanks to BM who offered two slots in 2008, ran 2 in 2009, offered 2 in 2010
CARP in East Lansing Michigan, ongoing
Check CARP website for details!
Game Days at Ravenstone Games in Columbus, Ohio, many Fridays starting at 630pm 'ish
Email us for details.
Game Days at YottaQuest Fantasy Gaming in Cincinatti, Ohio, see website for times
Cryptic ConFusion in Troy Michigan, January 24th, 2009
Offered The Rock on Saturday, January 24th, 2009, 5-9pm.
Pandemonium Frost 2008 Garden City, MI, Feb 8-10, 2008
Offered 7 modules (A101-104, A106, B101 and I101) over five slots (slots 3-7). Jae Walker was the judge (a great horror milieu judge).
In 2008, ran 2 modules over 5 slots. In 2009, offered 4 mods over 6 slots.
Megacon 2009 in Orlando, Florida, February 27 - March 1, 2009
Ran 3 tables in 2008 and 2009.
ConnCon 2011 Stamford, CT, March 18-20, 2011
Happy Birthday, Liberty belle and Away in a Manger
In 2008, ran 2 premiere modules Family Secrets (set in Boston, MA) AND Family Business (set in Hartford, CT to celebrate ConnCons 20th anniversary) as
well as The Village over 5 slots. In 2009, offered 4 modules over 5 slots including a premiere of Les Paradis Perdu.
3Con Fort Wayne, Indiana, Friday-Saturday, April 1-2, 2011
We will have two modules running. Saturday 3pm Happy Birthday!, Saturday 7pm Family Matters
Thanks to GMs Lucas Amodio and Eric Clark!
Eyecon 2014 Sydney, Australia, 18th-21st April 2014, St Scholastica's College, Glebe.
There's a wide variety of excellent games available over 4 days, including FOUR Fellowship of the White Star games, most of which have only been
played by one table if at all before in Australia. We've got heaps of spaces (after 12 and 15 tables for the past 2 years, we've cleared a total of 27
available tables for 2014, thanks to some awesome volunteer GMs), and We'd love to see everyone there.
Mini-Mace South Greenville, SC April 25, 2009
Offering both of the campaigns intro modules to see if folk in the region like the campaign. If your nearby, give it a try. How can you go wrong with a
con like this? The con is held at Ryan's Restaurant, so you can eat while you play!
Pandemonium Mayhem 2008 Garden City, MI, May 9-11, 2008
Offered Greased Lightning (set in Detroit, Michigan) over two slots.
Mepacon Spring 2010 in Clarks Summit, PA, May 21-23, 2010
In 2007, offered 11 slots. 2008 done! In 2009, offered 6 slots.
Oasis 21 Orlando, FL, May 22-25, 2008
Offered Tears Beneath the Mask, Crypt of Deception, and The Rock over three slots.
MARCON 2008 Columbus, OH, May 23-25, 2008
Ran one table of London Fires.
Pandemonium Finale 2008 Garden City, MI, June 13-15, 2008
Running TBD
Dexcon 14 in Morristown, New Jersey, July 6-10, 2011
Offering the Ripper series, A401-A406, twice!
Ran 6 tables in 2007, 10 in 2008, 2009-2010 Done
Connecticon 2011 in Hartford, CT, July 8-10, 2011
Offerings A401-A405 over the five slots of the con.
Ran 10 tables in 2008, 2009-10 DONE
RPGKC Game Days in Kansas City, MO, Saturday, July 11, 2009 at 2pm and 8pm!
Dragon Con in Atlanta, Georgia, August 29-September 1, 2008
Ran 9 tables in 2007 and another great Dragon*Con in 2008! Offered 3 modules in 2009. unfortunately, noone was able to make it in 2010. Here's to
Council of Five Nations XXXIV in Schenectady, NY on Oct 7-9, 2011
Running London Calling & London Answering in 2011
2008-2010 done.
Necronomicon 2009 in St. Petersburg, Florida on October 23-25, 2009
Ran 4 slots in 2009.
Ubercon XI in Piscataway, NJ, October 24-26, 2008
MACE 2009 in High Point, NC, November 6-8, 2009
Offered one mod in 2009.
Dominicon of the Dead in County Kildare, Ireland, November 9-11, 2007! DONE!
Four modules over four slots, 2 tables per slot.
Carnage Noir in Farleigh, Vermont, November 2-4, 2012
Offered in 2010-12
MEPACON Fall 2010 in Clarks Summit, PA, November 12-14, 2010
Offering A301, A303 and A305
2008-2009 Done! Thanks to AL!
U-Con 2010 in Ann Arbor, Michigan, November 12-14, 2010
We need more judges (JW so far), email if you are willing to volunteer!
2007 con done! Ran four tables in 2008 and six in 2009 thanks to judges Brian and Mike!
Pentacon XXVII in Fort Wayne, Indiana
While we have had a great time at this con in the past, due to our home con being set for just a couple weeks before, we discontinued our presence at
Pentacon in 2011. We still recommend this as a very nice convention to play at!
Ran 3 tables in 2007 including a premiere. In 2008, 8 tables including a premiere. In 2009, 10 tables including THREE premieres. In 2010, 25 tables
with FOUR premieres!
Stuffed COWS 2011 in Glen Ellyn, IL at the college of DuPage
Multiple events!
Dragonmeet 2007 at Kensington Town Hall in London, England, Dec 1, 2007. DONE!
Offered London Fires and Greased Lightning.
Anonycon 2010 in Stamford, CT, December 3-5, 2010
2007-2009 cons done! Thanks to judge AL.
Regulator Con in Gettysburg, PA, December 14-16, 2007! Offered 2 modules during four slots (both modules offered each slot) including "Family
Matters", a premier!
Dreamation 2012 Morristown, New Jersey, Feb 23-26, 2012
Offering B403 Enlighten Me and B410 What Evil Lurks.
Offered 8 tables in Feb 2010, 6 in 2011
Our game was reviewed in "Knights of the Dinner Table" issue #131 in the Brian's Small Press Picks column where it was rated as "Horror in history done right", we think so too :) RPG.net link for article
Interested in getting involved?
We are looking for module writers for this project. Please contact us at
PRESS RELEASE 1/28/09 Our campaign book PDF is now exclusively available (other than our own website) on Drive Thru RPG. For those of you who haven't been there, it is a great site with tons of new and exciting products, including some that are free! Pick up a copy of the pdf at: DriveThru RPG
ONE MORE TIME Halloween Con 2018 Friday, Oct 19 to Sunday, Oct 21 We will have several premieres at the con
To be held at the same venue its been at for the last few years, Camp Mary Orton. Close to 270 and US 23 (High St).
Click the payment button below to register.